Egypt Great Pyramid

Egypt Great Pyramid

Who Don't Know Pyramids , Seven Wonders of the World listed by Herodotus the age-old Greek historian,

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one that can still be apparent today on an age-old history anniversary to Egypt. Construct more than 4500 years ago, Pyramid was established to be a tomb for the Egyptian Pharaoh Khofo. It took more than twenty years to accomplishment it, and was the tallest man-made structure in the world for several thousand years , It's really a wonder , Can You Imagine How they built it without our new equipment and technology?
 sample when you get out from Giza Station go to Al Ahram street exit and you can fin a bus station (Micro bus) Wolkes type , ask him to go to 3 pyramids and the fees only 2 Egyptian pounds .

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! It's very famous. Even a child would know that it's a great loss when you miss to see those during Luxury Egypt Holidays.
